On Mon 6 and Tue 7 December, 2021, join the TECHNOLOGY IN AND FOR SOCIETY Conference. This year’s theme is Innovating well for inclusive transitions: how can we innovate both more and within inclusive processes, with values at the centre, and with lasting positive impact? The conference will include multi-stakeholder meetings aiming to explore values, design principles, and a possible practical agenda for leveraging good governance for critical sociotechnical transformations. It is organized by the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Read the full program from the Conference’s website.

The conference’s aims are:

1. To explore how the design of policies related to upstream technology governance can help open pathways for needed sociotechnical change while building public trust in the STI system, and preventing or correcting potential negative effects

2. To pool practical ideas, experiences and knowledge to anticipate longer-term practices, uses and impacts of emerging technologies and develop capacities to promote, steer and cope with sociotechnical change

3. To explore what kinds of frameworks and multilateral approaches are needed for promoting values-based technology, responsible innovation, and inclusive transitions.

Technology in and for society will be help exclusively online. Registration is free through this form.

Not sure if this event is right for you? Read our picks from the programme, on the topics of participation and inclusivity in science and technology:


Building Inclusivity Upstream: Engaging Diverse Actors in the Development of Emerging Technology

WHEN: Dec 6, 2021 | 2:20 PM3:35 PM
WITH: Richard Johnson (Global Helix LLC), Anil Prakash Joshi (Himalayan Environmental studies and conservation Organization), Shobita Parthasarathy (University of Michigan), Flurina Schneider (Institute for Social-Ecological Research / Goethe University Frankfurt), Henriette Van Eijl (European Commission). Moderator: Angela Simone (Bassetti Foundation)
ABOUT: Inclusivity in science and technology is an important design principle for innovating well. Inclusivity is often framed in terms of access to knowledge and equitable enjoyment of technological benefits. This panel, however, frames inclusivity in terms of access to the processes of technology development, where enriching diversity of participants is linked to the creation of more socially relevant science and technology. ● What are tools and mechanisms for involving more diverse actors “upstream” in the development of emerging technology? ● How can involving new actors – such as knowledge-producers, entrepreneurs, co-creators, co-owners, and research participants etc. — present pathways towards more just and inclusive transitions?

Setting Goals and Agendas Through Foresight and Participatory Processes

WHEN: Dec 7, 2021 | 1:50 PM3:00 PM
WITH: Sebastian Pfotenhauer (Technical University of Munich), Edgar Pieterse (University of Cape Town), Aida Ponce Del Castillo (European Trade Union Institute), Matthias Weber (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology). Moderator: Duncan Cass-Beggs (OECD)
ABOUT: In the face of pandemics, climate emergencies, and the digital transformation, it has never been more important to develop anticipatory capacities and strategic intelligence for setting goals agendas for science, technology and governance. The future of both technology and society carries great uncertainty, so tools like anticipatory technology assessment and foresight will be critical, especially if we seek to innovate towards key challenges. What are the current gaps and needs in capacity for strategic intelligence for emerging technologies? What kinds of diverse actors and practices will better foster this intelligence?