During the past few months, the NEWSERA project has been testing and preparing a set of training modules on the different aspects of science communication, to be conducted both in formal and informal contexts. This activity is part of WP 3 – Co-design of innovative strategies in Citizen Science Communication.
Formal training modules
The modules were developed by the FCiências.ID partners and first tested in Portugal, in a formal context, at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, to a class or around 10 students. The first modules came from the Advanced course given in March 2021, by FCiências.ID partners, and were perfectioned thanks to the feedback from the students. The formal training modules were also tested in Italy at the University of Padova, with a class of approximately 20 students.
These training modules in a formal context were centered on themes such as how to direct communication to different target audiences, how to better use social media, how to implement out-of-the-box approaches in science communication, how to better engage audiences and evaluate science communication activities. They were very well received by the students at both universities where they were tested.
Informal training modules
In Spain (through FECYT and in collaboration with Science for Change) the training modules were adapted to an informal context. The modules were given online and approximately 30 people were present in each of the three modules.
The informal training modules, which had a great receptivity, at this stage were mostly directed to citizen science practitioners. They dealt with the use of social media for citizen science projects, with podcast and video production, and with strategies to better interact with the public sector.
Soon these training modules will be offered to a wider public, whether online or in person, in Portugal. Keep following our news and events to remain updated on the NEWSERA training activities!
Cover photo by Luis Quintero/Pexels.