The last video in our series on the CitSciComm Labs was just published on the NEWSERA YouTube channel! The animation “Drafting blueprints for innovative citizen science communication and citizen science journalism” explains the methodology and results from the third round of the Labs, that was dedicated to put the NEWSERA citizen science pilots’ learnings on paper, and to use them to draft five Blueprints for Citizen science communication and Citizen science journalism.
The NEWSERA Blueprints are among the most important outputs of the project: they will help Citizen science projects co-design innovative communication strategies with and for five key stakeholder groups: policymakers and the public sector; career scientists; industry and SMEs; citizens and society at large; and science and data journalists. These documents will be available to everyone, and will present useful case-studies, tools and channels to reach and involve different stakeholder groups and, ultimately, unleash the full potential of a citizen science project.
Watch the video: Drafting blueprints for innovative citizen science communication and citizen science journalism
The video was produced by motion-graphic designer Luana Caiazzo on behalf of formicablu.
The NEWSERA Blueprints will be presented during the project’s final conference in Bruxelles. Read more about the event and register to join (on site or online).
To get updates on the publication of the NEWSERA Blueprints, follow the project on Twitter.