DATA4CitSciNews Exhibition

  • 28 November 2022 - 30 November 2022
    13:30 - 16:30 CEST

  • The Green Parrot (Carrer de Vilamarí, 57 - Barcelona)

From Monday 28 to Wednesday 30 November 2022, the DATA4CitSciNews exhibition will showcases five works to set off the concept of citizen science journalism, through alternative visuals, installations and critical narratives. In doing so, the DATA4CitSciNews exhibition aims to spark a discussion about how citizens and journalists and well designed data collection can be the drivers behind investigation to ultimately respond to societal needs and benefit communities.

The exhibition will be held at The Green Parrot in Carrer de Vilamarí, 57, Barcelona, and can be visited until November 30th.


Opening times

  • Monday 28th November: 8 PM – 10 PM (under invitation only)
  • Tuesday 29th November: 3 PM – 6 PM (open to all visitors)
  • Wednesday 30th November 1.30 PM – 4.30 PM (open to all visitors)