DATA4CitSciNews – Data Journalism, Misinformation and Citizen Science Event
28 November 2022
09:30 - 14:00 CEST -
Parc Científic de Barcelona (c/ Baldiri Reixac, núm.4-8 - Barcelona)
In partnership with fellow EU-funded project ENJOI, NEWSERA is launching DATA4CitSciNews, an event on the state of the art of data journalism, the challenge of misinformation, and citizen science!
In a time when scientific misinformation and fake news are increasingly becoming a challenge both for the public and for media professionals, EU-funded projects ENJOI and NEWSERA will host DATA4CitSciNews, a conference on how citizen science can contribute to data journalism and to fight misinformation. During the event, an impressive line-up of media and journalism experts will discuss meaningful case studies on the topics of data science journalism, journalism for the public interest and in a civic context, and the concept of citizen journalism applied to science coverage.
DATA4CitSciNews will be held at the Barcellona Scientific Park on 28th November 2022, at Auditorium Antoni Caparrós. For those who are not able to attend, the conferences will be livestreamed on the NEWSERA YouTube channel (no registration needed).
Provisional program
(Please watch this space for future updates)
9:30 – 10:00 | Registration |
10:00 – 10:10 | Welcome from NEWSERA and ENJOI Coordinators
Rosa Arias, Science for Change and Elisabetta Tola, formicablu |
10:10 – 10:55 | Key lecture: Data Journalism – what’s new?
Matteo Moretti, Information experience designer |
10:55 – 11:40 | Key lecture: Misinformation/Fake News – what’s new?
Joana Gonçalves de Sá, Coordinator Social Physics and Complexity Lab – SPAC |
11:40 – 12:00 | Session and Q&A moderated by Jesús Méndez, Science Media Center, Spain |
12:00 – 12:30 | Coffee break |
12:30 – 13:30 | Round table: Advancing on the concept of citizen science journalism
Jacopo Ottaviani – Code for Africa, Mapping Makoko Karma Peirò – VIT Visualization for Transparency, Making data visible for social good Christoph Raetzsch – Aarhus University, Infrapublics Federica Arenare – Dataninja, Openthebox Moderated by Elisabetta Tola |
13:30 – 13:50 | Misinformation Recommendations for Citizen Science initiatives – NEWSERA
Marco Boscolo, NEWSERA Data journalism expert |
13:50 – 14:00 | Visual wrap up and closure
Edgar Sanjuán, Visual & Design Thinker and Joana Magalhães, NEWSERA Project Manager |
Download the DATA4CitSciNews program
Participation to the morning conference is free, but seats are limited! Registering is mandatory to participate: please use the form below. In case seats are sold out, a waiting list will be opened: you will receive an email if a seat becomes available.
During the afternoon, the same venue will host two labs by NEWSERA and ENJOI for invited participants, who can find more information on these closed session at the following links:
- NEWSERA #CitSciComm Lab – The way to go: final recommendations to efficiently engage science and data journalists for wider impact in CS projects
- ENJOI Lab – Validate SPIs for outstanding science communication
From November 28 to 30, the DATA4CitSciNews exhibition will showcases five works to set off the concept of citizen science journalism, through alternative visuals, installations and critical narratives. The exhibition aims to spark a discussion about how citizens and journalists and well designed data collection can be the drivers behind investigation to ultimately respond to societal needs and benefit communities.
The exhibition will be held at The Green Parrot in Carrer de Vilamarí, 57, Barcelona. On November 28th it will be open from 8 PM to 10 PM (invitation only), and it will open to all visitors on November 29th (3 PM – 6 PM) and November 30th (1.30 PM – 4.30 PM).